5. Files infected with CIH which cannot be cleaned. This happens in other products that are running under Windows OS.
Most likely, the infected files you are trying to clean are under Windows when the product is running. You may restart the machine to MS-DOS mode (by clicking t he' Start ' button, and choose' Restart in MS-DOS mode '), and then clean the files with the anti-virus software.

6. Why some viruses can be detected but not cleaned with the anti-virus software?
Anti-virus software not only detect viruses, but also other types of malicious codes, which may not be cleanable. For example, trojan horse is a type of malicious code that should be deleted instead of cleaned. In other cases, the virus may have corrupted the file and made it impossible to clean or recover. If the pattern and engine are the latest, obtain a virus sample and send it to anti-virus vendors for recommended actions.

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